Monday, October 5, 2015

My Youth is Dead... And a Fun Announcement!

Well, it finally happened. 

I got married. 

I had a kid. 

And my cool, carefree, fun-loving youth got run over by a minivan. Hard.

Here she is, friends, in all her spacious, dvd player-having, power-sliding doored glory. She's not fancy. She's used, she's 12 years old, and she's rockin' some pretty hard core Saved By the Bell striped cloth seats. 

(Zack Morris, eat your heart out.)

But, if I'm being completely honest here, I'm totally in love.

I know what you're thinking, but friends? Power. Sliding. Doors. I mean seriously! We've only had her five days, and I already can't live without them. I feel like James Bond every single time I press that little van shaped button next to my steering wheel and the back door magically glides open. Granted, James Bond would probably die a slow painful death before being caught dead in a used minivan, but whatev. 

Also, I'm pretty sure Buggy Boy has forgotten how to ride in a lame regular car that doesn't magically have Cars 2 playing on repeat while he cruises in blissful silence absolutely anywhere I want him to go. This kid would probably be cool with a trip to the doctor's office for a lifetime supply of vaccinations as long as Lightning McQueen was narrating. 

And the best part about all of this? We paid cash. We've been trying to take control of our finances via the Dave Ramsey plan, and we decided that if we're going to buy anything new (to us), we're going to  save and pay cash. And because I decided (after repeatedly bumping the Bug's head on the roof of my matchbook-sized hatchback) that we needed something bigger, my sweet, sweet husband worked his butt off picking up weekend shifts for months to be able to buy it. 

Yep, he's a keeper.

Finally, one of my favorite things about it is that it has tons of storage, and I can haul all kinds of fun finds in it... Which brings me to my announcement:

I'm starting an Etsy shop! 

It's predominately fun vintage home decor items and small furniture, but I do plan to make a few custom pieces, as well. I'm still in the process of photographing and adding all of my items, but I thought I'd share a few things with you while I finish getting it set up. 

Without further ado, here are my first few pieces up for sale:

Vintage metal dentist's table

Set of three solid brass nesting bowls

Antique safe deposit box

Vintage French chocolate tin

Antique farmhouse stool with chippy gray-blue paint

I have a lot more pieces to clean up, fix up/paint, photograph and list, but this is a start. I'll let you know when the shop is up and running, and you can check out the other items!

Wish me luck!

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