Sunday, November 23, 2014

Good Intentions: A DIY Bathroom Vanity on a Very Serious Budget, Part 3

We've been working on finishing up our diy bathroom vanity made from marine grade plywood. In case you missed the first two installments, you can read about the process here and here.

Well, it's finally finished...

And I love it!

Here it is totally naked. Absolutely gorgeous, no?

If you remember, we (And by we, I of course mean my dad) sealed the plywood using epoxy and varnish, sanding in between coats. Now it's smooth as glass, completely waterproof, and ready for whatever Chinese water torture Buggy Boy can throw its way. Victory! 

I love the way it turned out so much, I'm seriously considering doing my kitchen counters next. At $100/8' x 4' sheet of plywood, I literally couldn't get away with spending any less on another material. Bonus: it's totally waterproof, so spills and stains won't be an issue. 

Now if I can just convince my plywood guru to expand his countertop repertoire... 

So, do you love it as much as I do? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!


  1. How did I not know you had a blog?? I LOVE the bathroom. We need to get together soon!!! Maybe over Christmas break. (ok, I know that's not really soon, but that may be the soonest we can manage. :) )

    1. Thanks, Karen! We should get together over break; it's been forever!

  2. I love it!! Absolutely beautiful!
