Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Gift of Time: 7 Ideas for People With Young Children

Before we were married, I used to spend many hours contemplating the perfect Christmas gift for Justin. I'd ponder, research, drop hints, reconsider, and then finally commit to something I knew he'd love and cherish for many a year to come.

Well, we have a kid now, so those days are over.

Now, I look him straight in the eye about two weeks till Christmas and ask him point blank, "What do you want this year?"

That was my plan again this year, and do you know what he said?

Do you?

He said, "I just want more time."

Ha! Who doesn't want more time? But how on Earth can I gift wrap it and stick it under the tree?


Isn't this the truth for all of us with a family, and jobs, and a house to keep up with? Sure, a new lens for my camera, or a sweater that isn't covered in spaghetti stains (I wish I could blame those on Buggy Boy. Those are all me) would be nice. But what we really need is time.

Quality time with the kids. Time with each other. Time to ourselves that isn't grocery shopping or a trip to the bank. Time to feel like a grown up again.

So, how do we do that? Well, I've got a few ideas.

Here's my list of the top 7 gifts of time for people with small children:

1. A gift certificate for a maid service
Dear lord, what I wouldn't give to have someone come to my house for an afternoon and clean. It wouldn't last long, but for those brief shining moments before someone throws up, it would be glorious!

2. A prepaid snow removal service
This one depends very much on where they live, but it would be great for people who deal with at least one good snowfall each year.

3. Passes to a movie/zoo/museum/other child friendly activity
But here's the kicker: you have to take the kids. Let the parents go out on their own (or better yet, stay in and take a shower and a nap) while you unleash their loud, sticky, over-excited children on an unsuspecting public for a few hours.

4. A trip to the day spa for a massage and a pedicure
Because conning your son into running his Tonka trucks up and down your back just isn't the same. And just fyi, this isn't just for moms. Dads, if you've never been, you're missing out. For. Real.

5. Along that same line, a prepaid appointment to a salon
Honestly, even if they don't need a whole new look, any parent can appreciate sitting in a chair by themself, sipping a cup of coffee and letting someone else wash their hair.

6. A nice, home cooked meal
I don't mean invite them over to your house for dinner. That would entail finding clean clothes and bribing the kids into behaving for 1-2 hours. That takes work. I mean drop it off at their house, without coming in, and pretend not to notice the weeks of unopened mail and tidal wave of toys spilling out the door. (Parents, remember the good ole' days right after your baby was born when everyone brought you food and expected you and your house to look like a mess? Why did that stop right when you had to go back to work and the baby went mobile?)

7. An offer to babysit for an evening
Because, seriously? I can't even remember the last time I was served a glass of wine and a hot meal that I didn't have to share, or got through an entire conversation with my husband that didn't involve an Elmo voice or a strained whisper so we don't wake the baby. It's a shame; he's a funny guy! Or at least he used to be. I can't remember.

As someone desperate for more free time, here's my plea to you: If you have a loved one with small children please consider forgoing the usual gifts this year in favor of a gift of time. I promise they'll appreciate it.

Fellow moms and dads, what did I leave out? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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