Monday, January 12, 2015

A Call to Armchairs: What Would You Do?

We've been talking about redoing our master bedroom for a while now. Although, I'm not sure it counts as "redoing" if you never did anything with it in the first place. Details.

It's a big room. Scratch that. It's an awkwardly cavernous and not at all cozy room, and I've been looking for ways to make it feel more like a grown-up space and less like a parking garage for all of Buggy Boy's toys.

So, I was trolling the furniture section of Craigslist the other day (you know, like you do), and I came across something that stopped me in my tracks.

It was an ad for a pair of vintage tufted chairs with rolled arms and wood trim. Be still my heart!

We don't have the kind of budget or storage space for impulse furniture buys, but when I saw these, I had them bought and paid for by the end of the day. Actually, Justin did. That man gets me.

(It should be noted that the Craigslist posting was from a local antique store, not some random person, and that's where we bought them. I don't know why that makes me feel better about buying used upholstered furniture, but it does).

(Please ignore literally everything else in this picture.)

Online, the chairs looked like a soft cream color, and the trim looked considerably darker. Or perhaps I just wanted it to, especially since they were $50 each, and I knew I'd never find vintage tufted armchairs in that price range again.

As you can see, however, now that I am the proud owner of said chairs, they are not, in fact, cream-colored at all.

They're more of a soft, buttery yellow.

They also have some general wear and tear around the edges. But honestly? I don't care. I still love them.

I don't know what it is about these chairs, but I absolutely love them!

Unfortunately, however, they look pretty awful with the other decor (if you can even call it that) in this room.

Our original plan was for a simple black and white color scheme with red accents. Hence, the red reclaimed barnwood headboard and red and white pillows.

Here's my original inspiration for our black and white bedroom with pops of red. 

I love the striped rug and the black painted furniture. We have a set of thrift store dressers which I plan to paint black at some point. Of course, we also bought those dressers a year ago, and I haven't so much as dusted them, so...

I digress. Now that the yellow chairs have made their grand entrance, I have a decision to make.

Option 1: Paint the chairs. 

I have zero money to have the chairs reupholstered, and I think Justin's eyes might actually roll out of his head if I ever told him I was considering reupholstering them myself. 

Plus, have you seen the bajillions of diy painted upholstered chairs on Pinterest lately? 

As my mom would say, "I could do that." (Disclaimer: This is what we say while walking through craft stores looking at cutesy burlap tchotchkes and knitted coffee mug cozies. What it actually means is: "I could do that, but I have neither the time, nor the motivation, so I probably won't. But again, I totally could.")

Option 2: Change my color scheme.

As you can see from the above pictures of our bedroom, we have next to nothing accomplished for the original plan. So, at this point, it's not too late to turn back. 

Currently, I'm considering an eclectic red and white color scheme with soft yellow accents...

Or a fun mix of teal and yellow...

Or sticking with the original black and white plan, but using pops of yellow instead of red. 

So, what do you think? Would you paint the chairs, or change the plan? 

Leave me a comment and let me know!

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