Thursday, July 9, 2015

Time for a Change

So, what's new with you?

You may not have noticed, but we've had a few small changes around here as of late. You know, little things: name, layout, design, what have you.

All joking aside, I've decided to let The Could-Be Cottage go and move on.

Here's the thing, I really liked everything about The Could-Be Cottage. I liked the name, I liked the design, and I liked having the opportunity to write about our home.

But I didn't love it.

It never felt exactly right to me. The name didn't really fit our lifestyle, and the layout always felt  a little off. It lacked color and life, and it just wasn't true to us.

Because the truth is, our home, and our lives, are pretty messy. And trying to pretend like they're simple, tidy and well-kept all the time just wasn't working.

Not to mention, no matter how much I'd like it to, this house will never be a sweet, cozy cottage. It's a sprawling, open-concept monstrosity with some major layout issues and very serious "bone structure" problems. We often refer to it as a "funhouse" because absolutely nothing is straight or even, the shape and proportions of all the spaces are ridiculous, and we discover some new absurdity every time we start any new project. Every. Single. Time.

I'd rather write about that. And I'd rather write more about the things that are important to me, like my family, our stories, our successes, our epic failures and, of course, our home.

We're still tackling new projects, trying to finish ones we started years ago, and turning this gigantic funhouse into our forever home.

I'm really excited about all the new changes, and I hope you'll stick with me while I figure them out.

Welcome to Our Forever (Fun)house!

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