We're still in the throes of our patio makeover, but I thought I'd take a break to show you the compact herb garden I threw together for our patio table.
But first, a story.
This past weekend, Justin volunteered to take Buggy Boy for an entire day so my mom and I could attend an antique festival without the pressure of nap time and toddler-boredom-destruction mode.
It was supposed to rain later in the day, so we hightailed it out of here at 7:30 in the morning headed east, high on caffein and freedom.
While there, I spotted this little piece of rusted gorgeousness for $12, and the completely unjustified wave of I-love-it-so-everyone-else-must-love-it-I-gotta-get-it-first panic crashed over me (You know the feeling). I sent my mom out to hunt down the man who owned the booth so I could snag it before anyone else. I stood guard, staring squinty-eyed at anyone who came suspiciously close to my precious.
Fortunately, I was not the only crazy person there. Another woman stood next to me guarding a set of square washtubs while her poor, desperate husband searched for the very same absent booth owner (He's lucky we're so honest, by the way).
After a few short minutes, she declared her husband a failure and waved him and their young son over to take up her post.
Eventually, the booth owner was located, several yards away on the other side of the street. While his mother waited in line to speak with the vendor, the boy next to me looked up at his father with utter disgust and let out a loud, "Ewwww!"
Then he bellowed to his mother across the street, "MOM, DAD MADE A STENCH!"
Just about everyone in a seven mile radius heard, and much like myself, stared politely at the ground trying not to laugh while the boy's father turned twelve shades of red and clamped his hand over his son's mouth.
I personally counted my blessings that I have my own goofy, unpredictable boy to love. And even better, that he was at home.
This vintage chicken feeder is the perfect size for my patio table (which is in the process of being stained). I just loaded it up with some gravel for good drainage, a little vegetable garden potting soil, and a mess of my favorite herbs.
It smells heavenly, which may be useful if if you happen to have an overly-observant boy on your hands...